- I will do my best...
- I will try...
- when I get/ reach/ achieve [insert goal] then I can....
- I am trying my
- we did our best...
All perfectly valid statements at first glance but did you ever stop to think...
Who says that we shouldn't do BETTER next time?
Who says that we shouldn't learn at every chance and grow as a person?
Who says that our BEST is good enough?
We all progress at a different pace and down differing routes so surely the only person who should have a say in where our BEST should end is ourselves...
It is ONLY ourselves that say where our BEST ends and our BETTER begins?
Strength training is much more than pumping some iron or flexing those biceps.
Being strong
gives you confidence, excitement, energy and can really help to overcome low mood.
The repetitive nature of sets and reps in the gym can seem like an endless slog...however with every increment the body gets BETTER!
I try to look at everything like
An obstacle is an opportunity to develop and change to get BETTER
A failure is an opportunity to learn and get BETTER
A win is proof we are getting
Even if the difference is 0.0001% it is still BETTER!