Get out of your own way...

Published: Mon, 04/20/20


I see it often during training sessions, at work with our teams, with the kids I coach and often catch myself doing it.

We get in our own way!

Ever 'slept on it' and found that it all looks better the next day?

Have you ever been angry and convinced a situation was a certain way only to be proved wrong?

Nailed a move, strength exercise or ran further than you expected when someone else convinced you that you CAN do it?

I certainly have, and whilst coaching and someone says that they can't do something I always add a 'YET' on the end.

Keep this phrase at hand:

'Don't believe everything you think or feel'

Pause at every emotion, limiting or negative thought as it hits you.

Be aware of the words coming out of your mouth or floating through your mind.

I used to think that all this positive mental attitude and affirmations was mumbo jumbo used to sell books.

Until I started training and now have the privilege of watching the power of the mind at work in every session I coach. 

Week on week people push past what they 'thought' they could do to get stronger and move better.

The reasoning as to why they are where they are that I hear in initial consultations fades away and get written off as excuses that have been overcome pretty quickly.

These successes snowball into bigger and bigger achievements...week on week...


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'