Shake off those labels!

Published: Sun, 04/12/20


Recently we undertook a personality test at work to ascertain our strengths as individuals and within the team environment.

Whilst I found it really interesting and useful, I couldn't shake a niggling doubt at the back of my mind that I could be ANY of the 16 personality types we talked through!

Sometimes more than one in a single day.

This is all way outside of my scope of practice and see the value in aligning strengths, however I think, deep down, I'm totally against putting people, or OURSELVES, into boxes.

I was painfully shy as a child, I was terrified of speaking out in situations and with the beauty of hindsight absolutely know that I held myself back.

The teachers told me indirectly that they thought I was sensitive and shy. My fellow pupils did too.

I put the label of the shy, Clarinet playing, goofy, glasses wearing beanpole on MYSELF.

What would have happened if I had been told differently?

Where would I be if I had said all those things that I wanted do, put my hand up for those things that scared me and stood up to those cruel kids we all meet at some point?

I'm sure I'm not alone in believing that the person we wanted to unleash all those years ago makes his/her way out eventually.

Mine certainly is doing its best to do so.

So, what removes these labels?

  • having kids?
  • falling in love?
  • wisdom of age?
  • wake up call of some sort?
  • health scare or intervention?
  • professional help?
  • personal development?
  • success?
You don't come with a 'user manual' and often those mentoring and guiding us don't either.

None of us have done this before..we are all winging it!

From my personal journey into coaching I feel I found my inner 'fire' when I started helping OTHERS!

Losing many Kgs of weight and getting fit from the lowest point I'd ever been was an achievement I was a bit proud of.

However, the real satisfaction and pride came when I started helping others.

It is awesome to see someone hit that big lift, move a shoulder better than they have in years, have to buy a new wardrobe or finally have the energy to wrestle with their kids.

It has been a hard slog.

Many hours of study a week (and still is!), really long hours and competitive (everyone wants to be a PT these days).

Underneath I have had to overcome my fear of public speaking and my fear of failure.

It all became a natural process when I realised what I could do for others was bigger than the labels I put on myself that were holding me back.

Sharing our weaknesses empowers us to help others more than we realise.

Putting others into boxes, jumping to conclusions and assuming that we can't help others by sharing our personal stories also holds us back from finding our path according to many experts out there.

  1. Challenge your inner paradigm and belief system.
  2. Say 'hell yeah' when you want to but that little voice says 'ummmm'
  3. Help others

Try it for real today!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'