Who are we?

Published: Sat, 04/11/20


Below is the first email we send out when a new person signs up. It has only recently been added so wanted to share it with you all...tells you a bit more about us.
Thank you for giving us a chance to get to know you...and trusting us with your inbox!

We don't take your commitment lightly, and promise to provide you with quick health tips based around fitness, nutrition, health and mind-set at 7am every morning, every day of the year

Useful, actionable.....as concise as we can make it!

Throughout over a decade of supporting people on their journey to better health, we have built a solid foundation of processes and steps that really work for people.

Small habits build into small course corrections that can impact your health positively for the rest of your life

The fitness and health sphere is full of masses of information.

However.........................the best results come from when people take ACTION.

Here at Eat Well & Work Out we acknowledge this, and our promise to anyone is to give support and guidance that works perfectly with their lifestyle, preferences, limitations and timescales....

Get this right and health, fitness, happiness and contentment will become possible for anyone to maintain for life.

Through these emails we promise to share, to as many people as possible, what patterns, processes, hints and tips work for the people that we have worked with so far.

So, who are we?

Kim and I have been together for may years and are now married with two rapidly growing boys!

We have worked together for over 10 years as Eat Well and Work Out and have helped over 300 people change their lives for the better.

Kim Chandler BA(Hons) mBANT DipCNM CNHC registered
Nutritional Therapist
I love good food! I love the way it makes me feel, the energy it provides me with and how my body responds to it. This was one of the biggest motivators behind why I chose to become a Nutritional Therapist.

After over eight years of working in the commodities trading and shipping sectors in New Zealand, Japan and London, big changes happened in my life. I married my best friend James and moved to England, from New Zealand, all in time to have my baby boy and begin my study of Nutritional Therapy - something I have always had an interest in.

Nearly six years and another little boy later, I find myself qualified as a Nutritional Therapist.  I work with the general public and have helped clients of all ages and backgrounds deal with a range of ailments. I love this job, it has always been my dream to have a job helping people (I wouldn't have minded being a medical doctor or a vet if I could have handled the sight of blood, but that's another story...) Anyway, every day is different, every person  I see is unique and it really makes my day when someone tells me how much more they can do in their life and I can see it with my own eyes.
 I believe that we can change how we feel both physically and mentally and thus what we can achieve substantially by making wise food and drink choices. As long as you have the choice of what you eat and drink, you have the power to help improve whatever condition your body or mind is in. I also believe that sensible nutrition and sensible exercise go hand in hand when striving for your health goals. As a much admired fitness and nutrition expert Jack LaLanne once said: 'Exercise is King, nutrition is Queen, put them together and you have a Kingdom'. Beautiful!

With Eat Well and Work Out I'm looking forward to a future of helping as many people as I can, of all ages, to live not only longer, but also fuller and healthier lives too.

After all, what could be more important to you and your loved ones than having you in the best health possible and vice versa?

James Chandler: Personal Trainer

Member of the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS) Level 3

  • Instructing Exercise and Fitness NVQ Level 2
  • Power Plate Training Level 1: Health and Fitness

Future Fit Personal Training Diploma (2005):

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Torso Training and Core Stability
  • Circuit Training
  • Personal Trainer Advanced Instructor
  • Nutrition and Weight Management
  • Kettlebell Advanced Instructor

I regularly attend seminars and workshops as part of the REPS directed Continued Professional Development CPD programme to keep up to date with health and exercise research and developments.

Many years ago I turned my own fitness around, lost five stone and discovered how good health can impact all aspects of my life.

What started as a necessity to get myself fit quickly progressed to a career in the fitness industry, where I could use my enthusiasm for fitness to help others.

I went from being an overweight smoker with a bad diet supported with a good amount of alcohol to where I am today.

It is my firm belief that having been on such a fitness journey myself, is the driving force that makes me such an effective trainer.

Read about my fat loss journey on the button below:
We have both been on our own paths, yet the JOURNEY is the same as yours.

At the low times of this journey take solace that someone has been there before you and is just out there waiting to help out!

Drop us a reply and tell us YOUR story, what you are struggling with and even any good ideas you have come up with and those successes.

We will never share outwards what you don't want us too.

We sincerely hope you enjoy these emails, some will strike a nerve, some will give you an idea for a habit that will progress you through life a little bit better, and some will be way too 'out there!'

Looking forward to getting to know ...

It is easy, hit reply and start typing...


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'