Sometimes mishaps are needed...

Published: Tue, 04/07/20


'Sometimes you HAVE to fall off the wagon to get back on!'
So, we think we have to be perfect on our health and fitness journey or mission.

Not true!

We are human and with free will means we follow our own path.

Personally, and anecdotally with our clients, falling off the wagon/ messing up is actually a VITAL part of the process.

Feeling a tinge of guilt, annoyance at ourselves for slipping up works well as a boost to get us back on track. 

View it simply as a wake up call to be simply followed with a course correction. 

Sometimes, feeling bad is needed in the process. I
t is simply an internal alarm bell, that if listened too and adjusted positively too, can propel us past the level we were going to be on WITHOUT the slip up. 

It is just like how we get stronger muscles, we cause DAMAGE to the structure and benefit from the super-compensation that grows it all back stronger. 

Look at broken bones..on an X ray after healing, the area of the break is stronger, thicker and tougher than the non-compromised bone around it.

So our resolve grows to not make the same mistake again.

Use these little slip ups as a boost and recognise as part of the process.

It is a chance to exercise that willpower 'muscle' as we kick our own ass and get back on track.

Where focus goes, energy flows.

Put that energy you would have spent pontificating and excusing a slip up directly into the next success!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'