It's NOW or never...

Published: Thu, 04/02/20


'Don't worry about what has happened or what is going to be in the future, the only time you can really change anything is right NOW!'

I wrote some time ago about the importance of framing your thoughts towards the person you want to be along the path you can take to get there.

A useful addition to this is to apply a filter to run at any choice you get to at ALL times. We like to use the below...we've even had clients use this on their home screen on phone or PC wallpaper!

Having a clear, achievable destination and applying the above filter at each choice is probably the most powerful habit you can form. However, this needs as a target an unshakable and deeply set belief that you can get to where you want to be.

We are incredibly good at producing excuses and reasons to not do something if we don't want to. Applying the above filter forces you to challenge yourself constantly and invariably results in a positive outcome. We really do need to get out of our own way!
  • Does pressing snooze for the 3rd time mean I get the rest I need or should I get up and go for a walk? Both could be the right answer but watch out for that pesky mind of yours that could try to fool you!
  • Should I eat that cookie? Again, ONE cookie could be just what I need to reward for a really productive day . Should I eat another!
Applying this filter gives your resolve, willpower and belief 'muscles' a work out all day long. Our subconscious brain is always watching and listening to our conscious choices and thoughts.

Building a strong resolve to make correct choices really does re-pattern our default or autopilot that our subconscious follows...this is where the good habits are formed.

Enjoy practicing this at every twist and turn of getting healthier at each moment along the way. Celebrate and congratulate yourself at every small achievement. The more positive we make a right choice the more we increase the chances of success at the next, possibly more difficult, one.

What counts is the decisions you make right NOW...and be hyper aware of whether they improve or detract from your health. 

The more goals you hit the easier it gets to take action and do things NOW. Success breeds success.

Be flexible, roll with the punches, work hard and enjoy the journey!

Use your NOW!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'