I never thought I would do this..

Published: Wed, 04/01/20


...I've always been terrified of public speaking.

Always imagined how it must feel to be on stage in front of a hundred or so people and VIP's....and decided that I couldn't do it.

Especially presenting something that I care deeply about...health!

So, when my Manager asked me to present at a conference right up until the moment I stepped on stage...I battled hard with nerves, excitement and nearly bailed out a few times.

I'm told this is natural!

However, as I often write in these emails, I decided to treat this like an experiment into all the things I had learnt about fear, fight or flight reflexes and presenting in itself.

I had the sweaty palms, my heart was pumping right up to the moment I stood up.

Then, something twigged in my mind.

I knew there was a camera on me...and I knew my boys would watch it.

From that moment I realised this was bigger than 'little old me' and my nerves..

I enjoyed every second of it then..I've got the speaking bug!

Here it is in it's entirety for you all...let me know what you think!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'