Don't let a snapshot of someone else put you off!

Published: Fri, 03/13/20


We are bombarded all the time on posters, magazine racks, social media and TV with images of lean, muscular and often well underweight people.

Anyone else notice the common factor?

A body is a body whatever its shape or size. They are all beautiful!

Marketing is marketing so to sell a fitness program, a magazine or a product why wouldn't you want a person looking the best they can be to do it? 

Where I get upset is when people take this as the normal and aspire to look like the models etc they see without some balance to it all.

These pictures we see are only a snapshot of this person at a particular time in their life. 

They prep for this photo shoot, train hard and probably are paid to get in shape for months to get to the point.

Think how hard we work towards our wedding day, a reunion or a photo shoot.?

Ask any honest model or screen star if they walk round like that 365 days a year and they will probably say no.

Althletes will look pretty lean in season, and trust me they put a huge effort into staying that way..they need that edge!

You could get to where they are if rang you and said that I would pay all your bills, hold your job, send your kids and spouse away for a few months and all we did was train, sleep and eat real food.

(not saying that models and filmstars do nothing but this of course!) 

We are the product of what we do, a cover model's job is to look amazing, an athlete's job is to have amazing physical prowess and our job is to work 40 hours a week, look after crazy kids, shop, clean, entertain and pay the bills. 

Try this:

  • find a picture of a film or tv star  that is similar to your body type
  • Google them for images

Apart from the press released shots you will invariably find pics of them out and about in normal life between roles etc.

You may have see the 'dadbod' pictures of Vin Diesel recently where I think he turned round and said that he 'cut back on training to spend time with family between films..what is wrong with that?!' 

We all have the same bodies and potential, it is simply a matter of priorities and responsibilities.

We've heard it said that we need more role models to show our kids that its ok to not be perfect and that we all have flaws that actually make us so interesting!

Wait for the media or Hollywood to change and start doing this? I say NO!

WE should be the role models!

Embracing what we have and showing our kids what their bodies can DO would make a massive paradigm shift!

Let's all ignore the snapshots of other people's timelines realising that they are simply moments in time

Be respectful of your own journey and put as much effort and time into increasing your heathy habits so when you get that chance to put your foot on the are ready with nothing holding you back!

Even if it isn't that clear cut...those habits will still be there.


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

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