It is never too late...

Published: Sat, 03/07/20


It is NEVER too late to start on a fitness journey.
I hear it often:
  • I'm past it, no way can I start running
  • The doctor told me that with 'my knees' that I shouldn't squat [15 years ago!]
  • I don't need to put on muscle
  • I'm the way I am now and that is it
  • I'll never lose this fat mass
  • I have a dickie [INSERT BODYPART]
  • I don't have the energy to work out
  • I don't have the time anymore

I'm really happy to say that anyone that starts on a health journey soon turns these into positives.

As they prove to THEMSELVES that the above is a false story the momentum gains and they reach their next level.

Open mind + new challenge + consistency = success

Each myth broken is a milestone and even more motivating that that fat loss/ lift PR or distance run.

Breaking these personal myths prove to us, deep down, that we CAN change

Not someone else's goals for you, yours and yours alone!

Our bodies put on muscle at the SAME rate with training whatever age we are. Its just a little more rest we need as we age in between so progress is slightly slower...or we should say wiser!

That diagnosis you had on joint or all the above issues 15 years ago is OUTDATED.

15 Years in the field of science, physiotherapy, health, fitness and nutrition is a huge amount of time.

I've seen shoulders 'unfreeze', non squatting knees squat, stubborn fat shift and 60+ year young people lift their bodyweight in iron off the floor.

I've seen people shift in confidence that I wish I could emulate when they learn how to push themselves past that mental ceiling that they have had for years.

The before and after pictures, fat loss lost and distance run measurements are 'proof' that is outdated and weak compared to the winning of inner battles and busting through of paradigms

These before and after pictures, fat loss lost, and distance run measurements  are by-products of a healthy approach to exercise, and are a shallow measure of success

It is your positive and effective THINKING that leads to true success

It is a paradigm shift that we all need to be on from deep inside

Internal success comes before external results,

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'