Have you got the right team around you?

Published: Wed, 03/04/20

So who is in 'Team '?

I'm not a trainer who 'goes after' weight watchers, slimming world or Juice+ anymore.

Years in the industry has taught me that being part of a community is probably the most effective way to get successful results. All these groups and brands are really effective at creating a support network....and for this they can be a good start point (most people evolve off these in time).

Whether it is having a really supportive friend, a trainer, or being a member of a boot camp. Having someone there, either waiting for you at the gym, or ready to help you through a rough patch, the effect of companionship is dynamite.

Overall, it is about having someone, or a group nearby to be your biggest fans and to remind you that you deserve to get what you want!

Just like we have a team at work that do particular jobs, try to create a similar support structure through your friends and anyone helping you on your journey.

Find someone:

  • to come shopping with you and encourage you to buy those clothes that you can't quite fit...yet!
  • to make sure you come to the gym and also you are lifting correctly e.g.a PT
  • to call or text when your resolves drops e.g. ' get me out for a run tonight....text me at 7pm and make sure I've done it!' (I get some classics nearly every day!)
  • to cry with
  • at a similar stage
  • who is good at hugs :-D

From the opposite end, also watch out for those that may not have your best interests at heart. I remember vividly having a couple of 'friends' who were always happy to point out that I didn't seem to have made a difference with all the effort I was putting in...or I looked a bit thin etc. These people I call 'mood hoovers'...drop them fast!

We are never in this on our own and you can be surprised who is waiting just for an opportunity to help you. Seek out people who have trodden the path before you as they are often looking for an opportunity to pay it forward.

Signing up to this email group puts you in a community of approaching 100 individuals with similar goals. If there is anything you want me to go into more detail in, or something you feel that you have learnt that will help others, hit reply and I will do what I can.

Kim and I are honoured to have every one of you as part of this 'tribe'.

Also if you can help us find more people, please share on your social media weapon of choice on the links below:

Stay tribal and thrive...you are not alone!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741
For past emails: 

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'