Focus on getting strong and mobile...forget the rest

Published: Thu, 02/27/20


Imagine you are in a wood and you see this fallen tree..

Do you think:

1) I would jump over this and carry on running?

2) I would step over it and carry on walking?

3) How do I get round this?

4) Great, I need a rest so I'll sit on that!

All of the above of course depends on what we are doing, our age, fitness level and how fast we need to get past the tree and move on. However, our initial response is indicative of where we are mentally and how much energy we have in our bodies.

When we are mobile, have been following a good exercise routine and correct diet, our initial reaction should be to jump, climb about on or step easily over the tree (as a child would).

When we are tightly wound up, inflexible, out of condition and full of inflammation and zero energy from poor food choices..this tree is a daunting hurdle.

We have evolved to respond to our environment as we interact with it. When we do, our bodies get stronger with more vitality...and all life's hurdles simply become less threatening.

Knowing that you can easily outrun the thief that just snatched your bag, sprint for the bus or fight off a mugger is empowering. Health and fitness is far more than just worrying about the wobbly bits and how big our biceps or abs are.

Moving away from these superficial, extrinsic factors we may feel we strive for (thanks a bunch Hollywood and the media for this one!), and focusing on the deeper improvements we can get from a healthy lifestyle reduces mental energy lost on worrying about these things.

Focusing on getting strong and able, and keeping a really close look out for benefits we gain such as increased mobility, reduced pain, stronger muscles, ligaments and bones, can reframe our entire outlook on what a healthier lifestyle can do.

Trust that your body is making a change with any extra effort you put in, and absolutely remember that most of the benefits that increase our longevity are working their magic in the background!

Just be 1% better every day..that is all you need to do...


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'