So......who wants to be [insert body shape]?

Published: Mon, 03/02/20


What is 'skinny'?

I have skin and so do you.

Why do we insist on creating these names for what shape we just happen to be in today?

So, what does it mean to be 'skinny'..

Dan John, probably one of the best strength coaches in the world with the uncanny ability to make things simple and the most effective states that the body is ONE unit.

The tissues that make us up comprise of bones, skin, muscle, tendons and cartilage.

These are the useful bits and they all work together as one unit of YOU

However, fat is really useful too.

It is our bodies store of potent and accessible energy that can keep us going for months is we simply just stopped eating.

We need all of the above

Our body really doesn't 'care' what shape you 'cares' about having ALL of what it needs:

LOTS of REAL food, sleep, water, movement and external forces on the body

'Skinny' often refers to a body shape with the minimum of fat around the edges.

Look at the chap above, that is what you would look like with all but the bone taken away.

He needs the hay bails and pumpkins to hold him up.

You NEED the muscles, tendons, cartilage to hold YOU up.

Our bones need the muscles to keep them in the right place.

Normal levels of fat mass are good, just a bit around the edges is healthy, in fact our organs need this for protection and our bodily processes need fat to function.

When we consume a little too much fat our bodies store that too...I usually can pin point the choices I've made that have created mine!

Muscle, on the other hand is vital to keep us moving well, supported well and even regulates blood sugar levels and hormones.

  • Some people are naturally 'skinny' and do all the healthy things above
  • Some people have much more muscle mass and do all the healthy things above
  • Some people have much more fat mass than others and do all the healthy things above

This is all totally healthy and should be seen as such.

Where it all falls down is when we try to force our bodies too much to move away from where is should be.

Ever started the next 'Diet', extreme fitness program or read a book that somehow seems a bit too much, rather dogmatic and left you with the feeling of total confusion and at worst sick or injured?

(These 'programs' and fads can sometimes be way to off the natural path we need.....purely in their effort to stand out from the rest)

What you do should feel natural, comfortable and in tune with your life, environment, character and body type...otherwise you will stop doing it!

Some people are runners, some are power lifters and some are great swimmers just as some have low body fat, some have high muscle mass and some an extra bit of fat mass.

Accepting the shape you are in NOW and focusing on what you can do starting NOW to change you body shape in the most enjoyable and natural way is key to long term success.

I don't care if you are in the gym today or even missed a whole week.

What I DO care about is that you are STILL keeping active and training in 20 years time because (as I said yesterday) you love doing it and the power it gives you...

Just try to do the below every day:
  • Move well
  • Move often
  • Lift heavy things and carry them about
  • Eat REAL food
  • Sleep well
  • Drink only water
Now, get out and bust those shapes!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'