Tiny seeds grow into huge trees..

Published: Tue, 02/25/20

We all do it, make that decision to finally sort out our fitness and health then start doing the 'research':
  • sign up up to fitpro FB groups
  • look into the latest crazes, down the Google rabbit hole!
  • get confused by all the advice coming from everyone we know once we put our intentions out there (this is good of course as long as the advice jives with you!)
  • maybe buy some new kit, some books and equipment
Of course this is all part of the process and is exciting, however sometimes we can get so swept along with all we miss a vital part of the process..

Noticing and celebrating the changes in YOU!

I get really excited in my coaching when I see these little successes take hold, however it often takes quite an effort to get a client to see it for themselves.

Just moving from the 'I shoulds' to 'thinking about' making a change is a HUGE change. We are primed to avoid change so starting to convince our bodies and minds to make a shift is a success worth celebrating!

A very powerful 'tool' in behaviour change is to set yourself up for small successes.

Planting little seeds of success throughout your day goes deeper than we realise and sets us onto a positive trajectory.

Think back to the list at the top. If you didn't take note of the fact that you tried that Kettlebell out a couple of nights this week..or managed to drink 8 glasses of water that day you are missing successes! When you do then miss a goal or milestone that can cause it all crash down as you have made it all too hard on yourself.

It can be as small as parking a bit further from the office door or getting up first alarm without pressing snooze.

Complexity also gives us another reason to give up.

Tiny successes breed tiny habits...one at a time!

It is a strange fact that us humans can be so hard on ourselves...at the same time as using this to go easy on ourselves! 

Making a launch into fitness at full pelt and not noticing the tiny successes could be our subconscious way of getting ourselves to the point where we give up and go easy on ourselves? I'm pretty sure I've done this a few times!

We are in this for life so take your time and plant those little success seeds.

Grab a diary and write down a goal for each week and make them small! You will find they get progressively 'bigger 'as the weeks pass...however they will seem just as easy.

That's another huge success right there!

You are doing great! Go easy on yourself and celebrate the journey...

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'