Losing fat mass is only half the journey...

Published: Sun, 02/23/20


We have all heard the quote supposedly attributed to Michelangelo that when asked how he created David that all he did was to..

'chip away all the marble that didn't look like David'

From this.....to this.....
He didn't actually say it, however this is a very impactful way to look at how we think about changing our body composition.

We are the product of our past actions, no more, no less.
  • If we have made poor nutritional choices, moved less than we should have and done no training then we will be exactly the shape we should be
  • If we have eaten real food, moved lots, strength trained and listened to our bodies we will be exactly the shape we should be

We all start where we are from right now and from that end we are the chunk of marble before we become our own 'David'.

Look at where you are NOW as your blank canvas or chunk of marble, take a step back and unleash that inner artist in you...

Positioning where we want to be in our mind and body is that moment where a great artist would stand back and work out what the masterpiece will look like

Exciting isn't it?

The belief that you can get to where you want to be is not hidden in that magazine, book, extreme diet regime......it is already there deep inside you!

Imagining in as much detail as you can what you want to be, act and look like in a years time with powerful belief WILL take you there.

Your subconscious is always listening.

It also gives you a clear focus on what parts of the current you don't look like the new you!

Not just excess fat mass, think deeper to outdated behaviours, detrimental habits, negative self talk and a reactive (not proactive) mindset.

Chip away at the physical, environmental and mental aspects that aren't part of the new YOU.
But we can do more than this...

Not only can we 'chip away' at the wobbly bits (fat mass) with activity and nutrition we can ALSO create a more muscular frame from the inside with strength training and mobility work to improve posture

Or as I prefer to say..

'lose the wobbly bits and grow the lumpy bits!'

I've been told by clients that there came a time on their journey that they almost felt 'born again' and that everything just fell into place. 

It happens, it is beautiful to watch and it is there for everyone.

It is had work, painful, uncomfortable and emotional....however, what else would you expect if you are creating a masterpiece?!

Those little negative feelings and thoughts we all have deep inside are simply internal alarms nudging us towards the parts of us that are NOT us.

Chip them away, mentally and physically and I know you will be surprised with what you find!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'