Harness the power of imagining your 'moment'

Published: Tue, 02/18/20


Remember when you were a child looking forward to a new toy, Xmas, a party or the holidays...

(you can...it wasn't THAT long ago!)
Am I the only one who used to gaze for hours at a picture of a new bike, imagining how it will feel to ride, how fast I would go and even down to how it will smell?

When we think back a lot of what we imagined and dreamed over came true didn't it?

That first love...often we got the boy/ girl!

That first stage show, despite the nerves and the forgotten lines, I remember the rehearsals and the looking forward to being on stage in front of the school.

Why should we stop using this universal power as we get older?

Have we let misguided realism or cynicism creep in?

I used this without realising when I lost my many Kgs of fat mass.

Through all the hard work, the difficult decisions and whilst forcing myself day after day after day I had one vision in my head:

I was standing on the beach in my swimwear enjoying the view, hot sun and nice summer breeze WITHOUT thinking about how I looked

That was it, my moment!

I've added to this over the years as my barriers fell and my success grew:
  • girlfriends...now wife!
  • children
  • more muscle
  • more fitness
  • more confidence
I had this vision hard wired into my mind at all times right from the beginning, I dreamed, fantasised, and reflected on how happy and content I would feel when that day came.

It was a scene from a movie for me, that time when all my planets aligned and my hard work paid off.

I was also absolutely convinced that it would come...no energy lost on doubting here!

When times got tough, I got lazy or felt it was all too much of an uphill battle...there was my imaginary moment...always there to think about and get me up and fighting.

Really important however to remember to appreciate where we are at every moment along the way as well. It is about the journey after all so love what you are and enjoy the process!

I used a 'moment' again when deciding that I wanted to become a PT.

I remember standing in my lounge imagining that moment when I was standing at the front of an exercise class..something completely out of my comfort zone at that time!

It was so exciting to me, and marked such an important stage in my journey that it was got me through the hours of study, exams and the masses of coursework. 

One day day it happened and as I had imagined it so often it felt so natural and it was one of the proudest moments on my career! 

So so what is your moment?

Where will you be?

How will you feel?

Who will you have proved wrong who didn't think you could do it?

Who will be there with you that is really proud of you?

The more detailed and emotional this moment is the more power it has as a guiding light on your journey.

It is ALWAYS there in the distance, like the North Star or a lighthouse.

We live in an instant gratification, quick fix environment and this is the enemy of patience, consistency and the mental grit to show up every day.

Havng this 'moment' top of mind at all times can keep us on track at the lowest times, and give us that boost when we have those little success. 

However far away this moment feels remember that it is there and you WILL get there ...


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'