Are you sedating?

Published: Mon, 02/17/20


This can sometimes be a tricky topic during consultations with both clients and ourselves.

We all know what a sedative is, it puts us to sleep, calms or tranquilises us.

With the rollercoaster of life, I think we quite possible need it sometimes and nothing wrong with that...
Although what we want and what we need are often far apart

Everyone's choice of relaxation and reward is different:
  • chocolate
  • wine
  • drugs
  • hugs
  • love
  • running
  • lifting
  • films
  • internet surfing
  • work
  • pampering name a few!

However, can it cross over into sedating or numbing yourself against what you true path is when left unchecked?

Does what you deem as a 'reward' or 'treat' really come across as an addiction or a veil to hide what you really should be doing from yourself when you really think about it?

Obviously this is personal and way above my scope of practice, however when it comes to working on ourselves YOU are absolutely the most qualified!

I can speak for myself that plenty of ambivalence has occurred across the years with regards to bodyweight, alcohol, work and even exercise?

My current one I'm battling with is working on taking myself from working IN the business to working ON the business.

Taking the plunge and pushing Eat Well and Work Out further is not far off, however I'm still finding myself 'sedating' with the 'nice to do' stuff, admin, accounts and other bits to 'create' work for me to do that I know is not the best return on investment.

An excellent turn around on this I had suggested to me the other day was to try to switch to using excitement and fear as your 'sedative'

When we feel that stress, excitement or fear to do an action, it is usually because it is exactly what we should do, and trying to work against it is akin to turning away from your true path or reality.

Could we make ourselves better at confronting obstacles head on by getting 'addicted' to that feeling you get when you push past your mental barriers and hang ups and succeed.

(without burning out or being reckless of course)

Maybe reframing what we think we want to what we really need may work?

Getting addicted to digging deep and finding your next step forward time after time could be kind of fun?

I know I'm up for it!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'