Finding my baseline was the best thing I did...

Published: Sun, 02/16/20


Baselines, back to basics, finding clarity and de-cluttering the mind are all examples of reducing the noise to find where the real YOU is.
 Whether it is something as 'simple' as quitting sugar for a while to reset your sweet tooth, to something as challenging as quitting alcohol, smoking or (my vice!) coffee, getting back to ground zero is an effective target to head for.

One of our over-reaching principles within our coaching is applying the below filter:

'Does what I'm about to do take me closer to or further from my fitness and health goals'

This should be thought through at every decision regarding nutrition and activity.

The more we apply this filter the stronger our resolve gets to head in the right direction.

The further along we get the closer to our baseline we get.

The closer to our baseline we get the better we get at:

1. staying there 

2. noticing when we move off it

Have a bad week nutritionally and we notice the effects of another 'naughty' food choice LESS on that Friday night

Have a great week nutritionally and the morning after the night before where something snuck past your REALLY feel it.

Moderation always gets quoted as being the key to a healthy life.

This is absolutely true, however...what is your level of moderation is applied?

Working towards levelling off to your base levels refines your barometer to this ups and downs that come with our health journey.

I get twitchy if I go more than two days without some sort of intense exercise...I'm not forcing myself to get out and do something, I have too!

I have a chocolate bar (dark choc of course) and, despite loving it at the time, I really feel the effect if I scoff the lot in one sitting the next morning...this holds me off doing it again for a decent amount of time (as I cannot be trusted with the whole bar!)

Play around with your parameters..can you make your NORMAL a bit more healthier.

Working this way creates REAL behaviour it is a destination not a mere measurement such as the scale weight or waist measurement

This isn't a 'cut back on this and that' is paradigm shift that you can ride to a healthy life free of rules and denial

Good health can just 'happen' when we open our minds to the fact we CAN change the things we want to...

We are adaptive until the day we shuffle off...use it!



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James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'