Could becoming a bit LESS satisfied help?

Published: Sun, 02/02/20


Being satisfied with our lives, bodies, relationships and careers is obviously pretty favourable to our wellbeing and happiness.
However, to make changes to the important things in our lives it can often be useful to remember that satisfied needs are NOT motivational.

What motivation is there to get healthier when you are telling yourself that you are satisfied with where you are now?

You could be totally satisfied, in which case move on to the next project..YET, you could be telling yourself you are satisfied to avoid addressing something that you really should improve?

I certainly do this often!

Does anyone go through life simply wanting to be mediocre (whatever that is!)?

Ask anyone if they are happy to stay exactly where they are in their development for the rest of their lives and I think you know what they will say!

Satisfaction is an excellent state to be in, however human nature is to constantly push forward, so this is where dissatisfaction crops up and boosts motivation to make a change.

Itchy feet, need to progress our career or the travel bug...all examples of this.

So, how could this help us on our health journey?

It is about picking the right battles: 

  • That mundane but stable job may not satisfy your career wishes. However could you channel that dissatisfaction back into using the headspace available from a job you can do easily, into creating energy to work out a bit extra, eat smarter or simply read up on things? That shiny new job could take up any energy you do have to get training! It could wait.
  • You could be satisfied with an evening walk this week of 3 miles on two days, and dissatisfied next week so you are driven to add an extra day (this is the essence of training and progression by the way!)

Taking this too far can cause you to be over judgemental on yourself so work hard to think through how you could channel a frustration or dissatisfaction into a positive outcome yet ALWAYS be kind on yourself and be proud of the distance you have come so far!

Dissatified with how tired you are at 2pm every day. Don't be satisfied with a coffee to boost you up, go for the foundation of better nutrition, improved mobility and more activity in general.!

Dig deep and you will find that it all links up somehow. 

Even if totally tenuous..does it matter if it drives you forward? Of course not!

I write these emails daily because I was dissatisfied with OUR lack of sharing the information that the 20 years combined experience Kim and I have in helping people enhance their lives. I sit down every evening instead of watching TV (most if the time!) so we can reach out and help someone every morning.

It also keeps me on track. 

It is really satisfying to know that we have helped a few people get a bit more on track EVERY morning at 7am (ish)

Always look for motivation from that urge to improve..embrace your nature to evolve!


P.S. Please help us satisfy our goal of reaching 500 people by the end of the year.

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(its easy, and you know you want to....)

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'