With great power comes great responsibility...

Published: Sat, 01/25/20


I've written before about knowing your superpower.

We all have one, however have we discovered it yet?

You are all talented people, however have we found all our hidden ones?

Do you see the pattern across the comic book superheroes to the real life ones?

From business heads, influential figures and sports stars?

They have all found their 'superpower', and quite often they have all a large amount of struggle, hardship or have simply worked really hard before they get to where they are today.

You may or not have seen Spiderman where Peter Parker's uncle tells him that...

'with great power comes great responsibility'.

Of course we all see this in the context of Spiderman who can do cool spider things, however, have you stopped to think:

  1. What are YOUR superpowers?
  2. Do you use them to improve the world?
  3. Do you use them for self gain, to help.....or to hurt others?
  4. Are you keeping a part of you that you feel is a WEAKNESS locked away from us other humans that could really help others?
  5. If you don't know what they are why don't you look for them?
  6. If you do know what they are and don't use them...why not?
Some of the best articles, posts, blogs, books we read are ones that share the most painful, upsetting, personal and motivating stories and how these were overcome

What is maybe eating away someone's core every day could be a 'superpower' trying desperately to get their attention?

The shyness someone struggles with every day could blow the 'self help sphere' apart if they shared some of their strategies to get over it and the story so someone else doesn't feel alone?

The blog you could start NOW about how you are finally going to get lean and strong could be helping 500+ people by next Feb...AND get you to where you are going.

Byron Katie, the author of the life changing book 'Loving What Is' highlights that those feelings of stress, discomfort and frustration are actually our friends in the fact that they are an 'alarm bell' flagging that we are off our true path.

Changing your paradigm could realign everything in your life resulting in a laser focus that gets you way beyond your wildest dreams.

Staying in a paradigm that affects us negatively is reactive NOT proactive, and can be a tight spot to get out of.

We believe that everyone has a 'superpower' and it finding it can the first step towards 'rebooting' your entire attitude where needed.

Life is too short to spend TIME assessing and guessing every sad thought, bad mood and environmental situation that is outside of our control.

Work on bringing your superpowers to the surface and developing respect and love for yourself, which will then spill to all the other people in your life.

At the same time get the body working too.........and it is a potent cocktail for change!

We have 29,200 days in an average lifetime (80 years)

One day is 0.003% of our lifetime.

One week is 0.02% of our lifetime.

One month is 0.1% of our lifetime.

One year is 1.25% of our lifetime.

3 years, for example, off our true path is 3.75% of our life with energy heading the wrong way...

.....and a third of this is spent sleeping!

These numbers stack up quick....every second missed is time we could be out there making a positive impact, healing pain or fighting crime..

See the need to find that superpower now?

It is in there...just gotta get looking!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'