WE are not descended from...

Published: Fri, 01/24/20


.....fearful men (and women!)

Edward J Murrow

Our history is littered with tales of human suffering, amazing feats of daring and survival.

Your ancestors were the strongest, most resilient and most intelligent of their time...otherwise YOU wouldn't be here!

Natural selection means that we are pretty badass!

We all have those moments when we feel like chucking in the towel, giving up or giving in to temptation. That's the choices we have in life.

However, stopping ourselves to think what our ancestors went through when we have 'those days' could be just what we need to kick us into action:

  • World War 1: How the heck did we survive that?
  • World War 2: And then we did it again!
  • The Plague
  • Famine
  • Tuberculosis
  • And further back, we had no houses, had to fight off invaders and our neighbours. Kings wanting to chop our heads off and steal all our food.

Bringing it to the current, just have to look online for amazing stories of our current peers that are overcoming insurmountable odds just to walk, stay alive, make lasting changes in government or simply put their life on the line in battle.

And I'm sitting in my nice warm car all grumpy as its raining outside! Get a grip JC! 

  • What fires you up?
  • What strikes you up so much to take action?
  • Who do you admire?
  • Who needs YOU to be strong and live a long time?

Try getting a picture, quote memorised or even a habit formed to stop you in your tracks when you go all soft and the excuses start forming. Keep it close at all times.

Whatever your goals or problems to overcome you are in a BATTLE!

Make the PAIN of staying where you are and the shame of not doing your best MORE part of you than the comfort and 'PLEASURE' of not getting into that battle and taking the easier option

No one will do it for you, they will support you when you reach out to them, however you need to be your own hero!

We have more information going onto the Internet every day than we had accessible in total up to the beginning of digital age in the whole of history. It is all there to help at our fingertips.

We are wealthier, better supported and nourished than every single ancestor that came before us.

We really have no excuse but to crush it every day..do we?

Make them proud and win those battles ;-)


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'