Skeleton in your closet?

Published: Sun, 01/19/20


You may have heard of Paul Mort. He is a marketing mentor for the fitness industry with a very unique, raw and fantastically honest approach.

He also suffers from Bi-Polar disorder and over the last few years has embraced this, shared with his community and even turned it into a USP after dealing with it secretly for years.

A phrase he says often (in amongst some proper colourful language!):

'Don't waste energy on HIDING the skeletons in your closet...make the F...ers dance!'

  • why let things in our past hold us back?
  • your past is what makes what you are now
  • all those obstacles we have had to smash through have made you what you are
  • what you perceive as a weakness could help OTHERS if you shared how you deal with it.

Part of the reason I took years to write this blog post about my journey was that I hadn't dealt with my confidence issues that I was self-medicating around with booze and food, read it here:
Putting it out there was the best thing I ever did 

I thought I'd given up alcohol for a fat loss angle (in fact that's about all I wanted to share for a few years).

However, I now know I gained my confidence back almost by default by taking away my crutch (booze) so I had to get out there and be myself....all the time!

Whether it was a subconscious choice or totally by chance, what I do know is that it felt such a right thing to do at the time.

I was coming out of the stress of being off my true trajectory and getting in line with where I was meant to be heading. That felt right.

It's wonderful to see others grow internally as they progress. Big and small.

Physical improvements go hand in hand with mental ones

Confidence created in building a strong body and improved fitness spills into ALL aspects of our lives

Making those skeletons dance strengthens your foundation and makes you more YOU

Take some time to dig deep, address what is holding you back and could you use it to help others.

Those skeletons could be the key to YOUR superpower.

Keeping them to yourself is just plain naughty..


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'