You are a Masterpiece...

Published: Thu, 01/23/20


Michael Angelo famously stated that he takes no credit for his statue of David...he just knew what parts of marble to chip away.
Where we are now is a product of every decision, action and effort we have made.

We are a born as a ball of clay that is shaped as it rolls through life both physically and mentally

Or...another way to look at it is we are born a small snowball that collects positive and negative experiences as it rolls along

Where we find ourselves RIGHT NOW is perfect for where we meant to be.

Having the 'right' chunks to chop off and knowing what to leave behind is all part of the amazing journey to better health and contentment.

Every successful chip that needs to be chiselled off is a lesson and a success that we should celebrate whole-heartedly, however small.

It could be simply drinking an extra glass of water, walking an extra 10 minutes or something as committed as meeting that PT in the gym for your first session.

Just as a ship sailing into the wind needs to tack left and right to stay on course, we need to dodge, commit and roll with the punches as life does its best to keep us guessing!

Knowing that the perfect masterpiece is already within you and it is waiting to be unleashed or developed really can help us build the self appreciation and self love we all must aspire to.

From here it is the simple (but not easy) tap, chip, and brush of the tools to gradually unleash the real you.

Build muscles with regular, consistent training and at the same time chip away at the excess wobbly bits with good nutrition and focused training.

Confidence grows at the same rate.

Unleash your masterpiece!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'