What is more important than your body?

Published: Sat, 01/11/20


Fast forward 20 years and where will you be?

When I ask that question do you think along the lines of career, where you live or maybe the car you will drive?

Following those dreams? Of course! 


Does your health come into it?

Could you have everything you wanted but miss what you need?

What we NEED is good health, a strong body and the mental and physical energy to thrive into old age?

What about having your no.1 priority from NOW to become mentally and physically strong enough to battle anything that comes at you?

Your body WILL become your super power

You will have fun surprising Doctors, Physios and even Personal Trainers when you buck the trend and recover from issues twice as fast as most of the general population

You will be the only person in the office NOT complaining of back pain after 6 hours at a desk

Of course our body shape is important to us all, however we believe (and have seen) that results are far more sustainable when the focus is how someone PERFORMS and FEELS over what the scales say and those before and after photos!

I had an email from a client of mine the other day:

'Last night I fell head first down steep concrete steps in the O2 arena.

My immediate and rather fast thoughts were to not fall down them all.

I managed to stop myself, upside down, but just touched my forehead on the edge of the step as I was trying to pull my head back. 

The only reason I managed to stop was because I am strong enough to do it.

The side of my left calf and shin caught the worst of it and isn't pretty, but....nothing broke or twisted. I have a lot of muscle and a fair bit of padding to avoid any serious injury.

The questions I was asked by the various medical teams were:

Have you been drinking - No
Are you taking medication - No
Do you have any illnesses or injuries - No
Have you ever had any major illnesses - No

Pulse = 66 bpm

BP = 120/72 which is higher than normal for me

Blood sugar level = good

So, I'll have a scar over my eye and no other lasting damage.

I am now going out for a gentle walk. Having read the head trauma document that I was given which says don't move, I have figured out fresh air and a little stroll will suit me just fine.

Did I tense my core? Did I remember to breathe? You bet I did.

So, thank you James. I am not a frail or flabby 61 year old. I am a strong, fit old bird who was right royally peed off at missing a Muse gig.  I was determined to stay and watch it until they told me I needed stitches!

This proves why you are so good at what you do


Her body PERFORMED for her

It was there when she needed it to be strong, resilient and reactive

She could answer 'NO' to all the medical questions and her stats are nicely in line

It is why she can deadlift 80kg from the floor at 61 years young, makes progress every week and has the vibrant and positive outlook someone a quarter of her age has.

I am so privileged and proud to be part of her journey.

How strong and energetic our bodies can become when we shift focus away from the negative noise of how we are told we should look, and onto how much better we FEEL and PERFORM mentally, is nothing short of enlightening!

It builds more confidence than ANYTHING else you can do

Get out there, challenge that amazing, adaptive and incredible body that you have been given...what you have inside waiting to get out will blow your mind!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'