What do Personal Trainers do?

Published: Tue, 12/24/19


The health and fitness industry is a really new industry.

Unlike going to the Doctor, Dentist or a hairdresser where everyone knows what to expect from the experience, not everyone knows what to expect when they book that first session.

PT's are regulated and we should be qualified to a REPs level 3 status...however, anyone can actually call themselves a PT.

Therefore, not all PT's are created equal due to huge variations in experience and knowledge...although nearly all the legit ones are some of the most positive and engaging people you could ever meet.
So, what should you expect?

  • Personal Training is PERSONAL, the clue is in the name.
  • The sessions should consist of a good amount of time spent discussing where you are now with regards to your health and fitness, what has worked so far and also what you want.
  • You should walk out of every session feeling that it was pre-planned to structure it completely around your goals...and it gives you also what you need, not just what you want.
  • The PT should come at every exercise program you do at the level you are on that day. He/ she should be able to be flexible with how your body and mind are feeling and be ready to lift you up or hold you back whenever needs must.
  • Can they offer you nutritional advice, are they qualified too? I am qualified to the foundation level, however refer across to Kim in most instances as she has many hours clinic experience to make sure our coaching is completely in line with the health of the individual.
  • They should follow their own advice! Well...most of the time, I must admit that I re-read my own emails often to keep me on track.
  • Their approach should be holistic, you should walk out of each session with several good ideas on how you can infiltrate your busy life with such things as mobility drills for the queue at the supermarket, ways to remind you to drink more water and finding time to just be at peace....alongside the usual ideas for the weeks workouts.
  • Any extra service should add value. Selling you supplements that seem too good to be true is a huge alarm bell. We only recommend supplements or health foods specific to a clients needs, and have scientific backing..and then pass on to the clients at cost
  • They should offer a no quibble money back guarantee
  • Above all they should make you laugh! I try my hardest to work to ensure that my sessions are the best part of every clients day....it certainly is the best part of mine (second to time with Kim and the boys of course!)

One of my favourite quotes from a client was:

'every time I go to grab that Snickers Bar your big face appears in my mind....and I put it back'

That is it right there.

The crazy things I mention such as going barefoot outside, stand up desks, stretching whilst watching TV, walking the streets every eve and rolling your feet about on a golf ball may seem nuts at first, however over the years I've seen people gradually dovetail all these little things into their lives to great effect.

Above all a PT is your partner on your journey and will always be there at your side through the tough times and the great times.

They will never judge, as they have often been there just before you and will always know the right thing to say!

As you see above, a good training session is nothing to do with counting reps or yelling at you (a la Biggest Loser!) whilst we check our 'guns' in the mirror.

It is about being there right next to you, patiently waiting for you to have that moment of clarity where you realise how strong you REALLY are! Everyone has it at some point..and it is amazing to behold..brings a tear to my eye :-D


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'