Motivation needs feeding...

Published: Sun, 12/22/19


I've written many time about the need to be on point with your health journey and realise your path is your path...just do what you can.

It is hard sometimes when things get in the way so I've attempted to boil it down to four things to remember when you waver or motivation/ willpower drops:

  1. You deserve to be healthy and it is your duty to be so: Never feel guilty about taking time to yourself to be the best Mum/Dad/Son/Daughter/friend you can be. Who will ever stop you doing that? A common factor needed for success in the absolute belief that you can do it, you can and you will!
  2. invariably a dip in motivation and energy comes JUST BEFORE another step forward: health advancements occur in waves, we need the dips and the peaks, trust us when we say that this is totally normal. NEVER LET GO.
  3. the 'wagon' never leaves your side: Are there really mistakes and failures? Not in our opinion. Your path is your path and a slight detour towards a weekend of what you fancy or a missed week of gym sessions is par for the course. Making an issue of it creates more of a difference between your health goals and your health reality in your mind. Just get back on the wagon as soon as you can, be kind to yourself! 
  4. only ONE change drives a 'wedge' which grows to a huge change in time: remember the graph below? Y axis = your health and x axis = time. A small change early on leads a MUCH larger change later on. Give space for each habit to breathe and avoid too many at once....1 a week = 52 changes all following this trajectory a year (that is huge, the average is 12 a year!) 

I feel really strongly about how the media 'brands' and portrays fitness as something that is borderline elitist.

Look for the authentic people in the health sphere, they will be the same in person as on social media and will happily talk about their struggles.

I'm a PT that loves chocolate, eats pizza, skips work outs and has to work really hard some days to get out and do something. It doesn't happen often obviously however when it does I just go with the flow.

I just try to:
  • Move how I want to move, and try to do lots of it
  • Eat REAL food
  • Lift some things
  • keep energy for fun times
Those of us at the beginning of their health journey are working much harder than those further along.

I see it in the face of the nervous looking new member in our gym when I pop over and drop a 'keep going are putting us all to shame!'. This is all they need to hear and hopefully drives them onwards long past the time that I've forgotten I said it!

Never forget that every milestone you hit leads to an easier next one.

However small the steps may feel you are making there are changes afoot in your behaviour and body that can't be 'branded' or 'sold' as a testimonial.

Research these changes and keep a look out for them at all times....take a note of how far you have come!

We are rubbish at congratulating ourselves and this is a game changer if you address it and start celebrating your wins for a change!

Your subconscious is always listening so sort that inner voice out!

Just talked myself into a extra long walk with the dog tonight...

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'