Every breath is sacred

Published: Sat, 12/14/19


Breathing is really important...

Obviously I hear you say!

However, HOW we breathe is really important to posture, energy systems, immune system and even our mood.
Do you notice how our nice, smooth, fluid breathing changes to upper chest, shallow laboured breathing as we get stressed or uptight?

Taking a deep breath not only can relax us but it also send messages via our nervous system to the entire body to re-align.

Box-breathing is a simple yet effective way to focus us on our breath.

1. breathe in for a count of 4 seconds (less for children)
2. hold for 4 seconds
3. breathe out for 4 seconds
4. hold for 4 seconds
5. go to 1.

I use this from anything from calming down after a stressful moment, preparing for a stint presenting on a stage, before a workout and if having trouble getting to sleep.

The movement of our diaphragm up and down has a direct neural link to our brains. This movement increases mental awareness, creativity, reduces stress and gets us ready for action!

No coincidence that shallow breathing moves the diaphragm LESS is there?

Your body knows!

Taking breathing to the next level, I heard a touching interview from Jocko Willink, decorated US Navy Seal where he was asked about what motivates him.

He went into detail about the two Seals he lost under his command in Iraq and that with every breath he breathes, that they don't anymore, his motivation comes from doing his best to make the most of EVERY second he has alive for his brothers that died for their country.

He ended the interview pointing out that every breathe, sunrise, touch of a loved one is SACRED and realise this at all times. Soldiers that have been so close to death live hard and enjoy life with a rigour that is completely in respect of all that have been before them.

As you take each breath...view it as breathing in the gift of life.

Physical exercise sets of a response in our bodies that knows this already...so get out there and go for it!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'