What Einstein's brain can teach us even now...

Published: Sun, 12/15/19


Einstein's brain is currently held in a jar somewhere in The USA.

Many studies have been done to see if there is any differences from the rest of us.

There is! The neural pathways between the cells are more defined and thicker than the average brain.

The theory is that this suggests that 1) his ability to learn was huge as neural pathways thicken with use and 2) when he thought about a problem, conundrum or theory he went into deep detail.

Just like a muscle, the brain needs to be used.

We can train our brains to learn better, think better and get smarter by challenging ourselves daily:

  • do something that challenges you every day
  • try learning a new skill
  • enhance learning potential by trying new mediums such as audio, visual or tactile. When studying for my anatomy course I had text books translated to my notes, audio files to listen to and models to play with. Whichever was my 'learning style' I didn't mind..I wanted all covered!
  • try maths, Suduko, learn a new language. Try to do something you are sure you are NOT good at..you may be able to challenge that belief from the past
  • work on ways to practice recall and improve memory. Studies have shown on patients undergoing brain surgery that we store everything we see...its recalling it when we need it that we need to improve...and we can improve it
Your past is not your potential

Are you holding yourself back in your life because of that school report?

I was told I was poor at maths and I still believe that now (I'm getting onto this after writing this so I'll let you know how I get on!). 

Not everyone responds well to the classic teaching method in schools. Could areas that are weak in your career etc be down to the fact that the teacher you had was an audio learner and you are a tactile/ physical learner? The disconnect meant you spoke different 'languages' (although I'm pretty sure my yr12 maths teacher was from Mars).

Pre-school children develop really fast due to the one on one, really safe, multi medium environment. As they hit school age this slows down as they go to bigger classes with a much more regimented learning set up.

This works for some, yet the majority need different styles. Is it a co-incidence that when kids move to higher education where they have more control over their destiny they then start to move forward quicker again?

Ever seen someone make what seems like a crazy career change suddenly seem to come alive and is now killing it in doing what they love?

This ties into the fact that anyone that has found their passion rise faster than those ambling about hoping that someone will offer them a break.

Are you in a situation where you have stopped learning? This can lead to negativity, boredom and ambivalence.

Are you in a situation that is perfect for you? Here should find you in a flow state where positivity is rife.

Wherever you may be, why not get passionate about THE most important thing in your life, your health?!

Download audio books, pester us, read a book and learn about your body. 

It is how I started and it's what makes me jump (ish!) out of bed every morning!

Train that genius brain you have, 


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'