Less = more time for the fun stuff!

Published: Sun, 12/08/19


With three jobs, two kids and a dog....life for us is a whirlwind of diary entries, lifts to/ from places, phone calls, lost keys and then the usual curveballs that hit just as we think we have it all sussed.
Most of us are the same I'm sure....we certainly wouldn't have it any other way!

A client of mine recommended looking into the strategy of cutting back on stuff a while back (thanks Sue!)

Less is more, we all know this.

Just like health, minimalizing clutter in our house, our jobs, our inbox and our minds is a journey and we can make huge development with the smallest of frequent steps.

Discipline = Freedom

Lowering stress and an increase free time (which after all isn't this our main goal?) will occur even with putting in a bit MORE effort into the reducing of things around us, organising well across the week and making sure things are done as we go.

Some things to try (anyone have any others please share!):

  • BE RUTHLESS: clear out your clutter,  only keep something if 1) you love it 2) you need it or 3) it makes you money/ produces free time
  • make one of your 3 'must do's' targeted on clearing or finishing something hanging about you have been meaning to do
  • closet cleaning: if you haven't worn certain clothes in the last year you probably never will, charity shop calls!
  • plan meals in advance across the week and prep a couple at the weekend for the freezer for those mad rush eves
  • use a cloud for all your files so you can access anything at any time..work can be done whilst standing in queues, waiting for meetings, or even in between sets at the gym rather than in family time in the evening
  • get prepped for morning smoothies/ breakfast done the night before
  • make beds every morning
  • finish washing up always
  • pack bags the night before and put in the car
  • OUTSOURCE: admin, accounts, lawn mowing, car cleaning, ironing etc. If finances allow isn't paying for someone to do these cheaper than your 'hourly rate'?
  • less trinkets, ornaments and furniture. Less places for things to collect = less stuff to tidy away
  • go paper free: create a huge pile of your filing that is sitting about (I know you all have it!) and put it downstairs somewhere where it will get in the way. Now, over a few days or so go through one thing at a time and digitise all files not needed in paper form by scanning, photographing etc. Anything you need to keep on paper keep in a safe place. Everything else transfer to a hard drive and encrypt if sensitive and shred the hard copies.It's amazing how great it feels when you to the bottom of that pile (plus as I have found, shocking as to how long some of it have been sitting there). Also saves money as you will invariably find a bill that looks wrong or an offer you missed!
  • only buy what you really need...have a family discussion before grabbing the credit cards. Apply the same filter for de-cluttering above...be strict

Make it a project, challenge or mission to produce more time for relaxation or fun.

Those things hanging about unfinished or un-tidied create stress in the background...this disappears as soon as you start taking action on going minimalist!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'