YOU are more powerful than you think you are...

Published: Sat, 12/07/19


...use it accordingly!

Have you ever stopped to think about how much you can impact your environment, the people around, your own thoughts and your destiny?

  • a smile for a stranger
  • a random act of kindness
  • a 'thank you' note to someone you appreciate
  • a hug for your children
  • a kind word for your better half
  • a respectful, supportive comment to a colleague or friend
  • a respectful, supportive comment to YOURSELF
I sometimes spend so much of my time in a crazy whirlwind of busy.....

Actually scrap that, I spend MOST of my time in a crazy whirlwind of busy!

Every interview I've heard with some of the most successful people out there has pretty much always had a point where the subject moves to have space to take a break, sit still and take in the moment.

  • Could doing this this more unleash awareness on how we can connect more with everything around us?
  • Taking time to take stock of where you have come from and how well you are doing can spur us on to greater things.

I see it often in strength training, talking through a new lift will often illicit the response 'I CAN'T do that!' from a client..

Which precedes them doing it.......accompanied with a big grin!

Next new lift comes along and I get 'I'll give it a go'...followed with success of course.

Success on the gym floor leads to strength in muscle, mind and spirit

The human body is powerful, it will outlast any machine your will ever own.

What else do you know that gets more powerful the harder you push it?

Inside each and every one of us is a level of power that we don't realise until it needs to come out, it doesn't have to be a super power...just a little notch above your current level!

Build it from the ground up, inside yourself until full..then let it spill out to all those around you!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'