Does your body work with, or against, you?

Published: Wed, 12/11/19


Do you want a body that GIVES......or a body that TAKES?

The human body can take a hell of a beating. The ability to adapt, flex, strengthen and grow on a daily basis is nothing short of a miracle.

This resilience can also hold us back.

Poor lifestyle choices, lack of enough effort to illicit an adaptation and a life too comfortable can mean that our health can suffer considerably..yet we keep going and it takes a long time to really impact our lifestyle.

So, isn't the energy we need to fight off the advance of negative health issues better spent on levelling up our lives?

Does your body GIVE you the power, strength, energy and movement needed to make a difference?

Or...does it TAKE energy from you or hold you back?

I've been at both ends of this so I can compare how I used to feel against how much more alert and alive I feel now.

Even ten years on from making the change in my lifestyle,  I still thank my body every day for always being there when I need it.

I see this in my clients every week, those increments of difference that they have worked hard to achieve propel them forward to the next, bigger, one.

Each step is an upwards move. Extrapolate this small shift forwards across another 20 years with consistency and discipline and there is an effective and considerable difference.

  • Give no energy to self doubt, negative talk or those excuses to NOT get after it.

  • Give those negative thoughts and feelings NO council!

  • Give all your positive focus to your health and your body will give back with interest...

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'