Preparation is the enemy of failure!

Published: Mon, 11/11/19


Lack of time, as we've discussed in many emails is often a huge hurdle or obstacle to keeping out health journey on track.

'Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder'

Mason Cooley

We all know that being prepared for a presentation, mobilising the kids for a day out or getting ready for moving house is MUCH less stressful if we are prepared.

Likewise, preparing for the worst is always very important..such as having a first aid kit handy.

When it comes to nutrition and exercise, being prepped beforehand can go a very long way to smoothing out all those little speed bumps that crop up and give us an excuse to take the easy option

Some battle tactics  (yes..view it as a personal war!) that we've picked up over the years are:

  • be honest, could you quit some TV/Facebook/tablet time and invest into preparing your 'tomorrow'? a healthy lunch set up maybe?
  • lay out gym clothes the night before/ ready for you after work. The fact they are there 'call' you to action
  • keep all your work out kit in one bag and keep it stocked. Taking items as you go often means a forgotten item creates an excuse to head home rather than the gym etc
  • breakfast! Cover your nutrition bases by making sure you are fuelled right. Protein, healthy fat, and complex carbs (vegetables!) will mean your body is satieted and won't get you hunting down the pain au chocolate at the station!
  • become a smoothie user: these really do not take long to make (especially if you prep it the eve before)and with some trial and error we can walk out the house full of micronutrients and macronutrients powered up for the day ahead
  • have healthy, macronutrient (fat/protein/carb) rich snacks in the handbag, gym bag and work desk. Often a well time snack before a trip to a restaurant will stop you grabbing for the extra piece of bread...or even a dessert after
  • be prepared for the mental excuses you will generate. If you know you will try to avoid that quick exercise session later then get those positive vibes going, revisit your WHY and get yourself exited about your pending work out.
  • have some photos on your phone of views you came across on a run, progress photos or a pic of you goal body shape ready to flick though to boost that motivation, again be mentally prepared
  • take real note of how much better, prouder and healthier you feel after every right choice, remember this and leverage this to get fired up every won't get the day back later so make it count!
Fail to prepare or prepare to fail 

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'