Do we make the most of our experiences?

Published: Tue, 11/05/19


'Experience is not what happens to, it is what you DO with what happens to you'

Aldous Huxley

We are the sum of our behaviours and habits.

These have been formed by how we have reacted to all that has happened to us throughout our lives.

Can we change anything that has happened? Of course not.

Can we change how we feel about what has happened, or take control and adjust habits formed from these experiences?

Can we change how we frame all those experiences that are still to come?

Do we take note of our reactions when something makes us angry, frustrated, happy, sad or emotional?

Could developing a habit to take a deep breath and thinking through your reaction be the pattern interrupt you need?

Would this put us in touch with REALITY and away from the reaction formed by an outdated or incorrect auto-response from an old experience?

This is all part of growing older and wiser.

We can apply this to improving our health journey:

Where we are now is an exact result of our responses to the experiences we have been through. We are the sum of all this, no more or no less.

Obstacles, struggles, disappointment, loss and are negative experiences that we all have to deal with. 

Think back to these moments, how you dealt with them and most importantly what happened afterwards.

I'll bet you came out fighting, often ended up in a better situation eventually and are stronger for it now.

Getting fitter and healthier is full of these little ups and downs.

These 'dips' in motivation, willpower, energy and progress ALWAYS come before an upwards improvement. 
This graph above is one to remember at all times with EVERY small change you are trying to implement.

EVERY small change!

Don't be part of the 'most' of those that quit when a bit of pressure or temptation knocks you back.

Take a breath, pause and note what the reality really is and if you are relying on an out of date auto response. 

Use your experience of how you deal with the experience to develop your skills at moving onwards an upwards.

Take each melt down, issue, emotional outburst from you or others as a chance to develop! Look forward to, and use them....

Diamonds are made from pressure!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'