The best thing you can do for your fitness..

Published: Sat, 10/19/19


Hardcore high intensity sprints?
(great for you however it's not this!)

Give up work and spend the day in the gym?
(I wish)

The answer is something we can all do to some extent that when done often and correctly it can:
  • Increase positive changes in EVERY cell in our body creating a better flow of energy, extraction of waste materials and increase in mitochondria, the energy producing cells.
  • Improve hip extension with correct use of our Glutes (bum!)
  • reduce stress 
  • reduce fat mass
  • counteract time spent inactive
  • improve posture
Want some of that^^^?

Then get WALKING!

3 to 5 miles a day (the amount our ancestors walked on average) can illicit incredible changes in our bodies.

It is as important as sleeping and breathing

Our bodies need it to thrive!

I am aware that I am laying it on a bit here, however this is completely intentional.

As well from the insane amount of experts telling us to do more of this and the research pointing us towards this, I see clients make amazing differences to their performance, mind, body and health with the simple act of walking for 30-60 min a day.

I believe that the reason we don't make such a priority as we should do is because it is so engrained in our lives we almost take it for granted.

Increasing strength and mobility through exercises can even take it up a level or two.

Are you doing it right though?

According to Katie Bowman, prominent Biomechanist and author of 'Move Your DNA' we need to do it better for the full physiological effect.

Tight hips and inactive Glutes are a product of a lack of movement. Lack of movement is at the core of the health issues across the nation.

The more mobile and strong the muscles around the pelvis are, the better our whole health becomes

A lot of things go on around our pelvis!

Take a look about a place with lots of people. Check out the 'butts' out there ;-)

  • Notice a lack of well formed Glutes (buns!) going on?
  • Notice people shuffling..or walking simply by a series of tiny forward falls?
  • Notice a distinct lack of people walking with a strong pull from the front leg and a clear contraction of the Glutes/ extension of the hip?

OK the last does need trained eye to spot, however you may have answered YES to all.

As walking is so intrinsically human our bodies will always find a way to work around weakness and issues to keep us mobile...this is a compromise we don't want

Not using our Glutes to kind of 'pull' us along (like an oar would work in the water in a canoe), with a natural arm swing and stable pelvis and spine is like repeatedly squatting with bad form. It will cause damage...eventually.

I've mentioned before to the point of boredom for you all I'm sure, however you can make monumental improvements to your body by simply adding in some extra stretching and mobility each day.

Focus on hamstrings, hip flexors, and Glutes for starters and then go for a walk!

Link below to a foundation mobility program I use with new clients. Obviously those of you with extra tight areas will need to add in more:
How about trying this whilst watching TV every eve and then turn it off and whizz round the block....or for some YOU time every morning?

Another great starting point is to simply target yourself to rotate every joint you can round a few 360 degree circles a day (not at the same time!).

Fitness CAN happen anywhere...and all throughout your day.

Don't believe me? Then try it for a week and see for yourself amazing human unit you ;-D

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'