The best transactions happen in the...

Published: Thu, 10/17/19



We all make NON financial transactions every day. Some we give and some we receive.

Transactions of the heart!

That smile you give to your kids in the morning or that person that you let out at a junction are great examples of giving without the need to receive in return.

Being in a rush and totally focused on our mission for the day happens to us all at times, however it can be totally detrimental in the long game if we spend too much of our lives receiving over giving.

If our personal definition of success is to have as much money as possible and by any means necessary, then there is always a danger of excluding others, or pushing them out the way.

We all know this sort of business or person, it is the ones that we moan about with poor customer service, unscrupulous morals and a selfish outlook.

We all know the selfless person or business that puts customers, clients, and all others first. Empathy, authenticity and respect are at the centre of their mission in life.

They are 'heart centric'

I'm sure you are like me that realises how selfish and self centred I was in my 20's compared to now. Especially now because of those little people that live in my house!

Anyone else notice that at the end of the day that they are happiest when they have given something out from the heart with nothing expected in return at some point?

Such as:
  • passing on a smile to a stranger or make them laugh?
  • given a compliment to someone who has nothing to offer you in return?
  • surprised an employee, friend or customer with a kind word, a hug or even just a wink of appreciation?
  • and the ultimate, doing something for someone when they absolutely have no idea you have done it?
Let's do some of these tomorrow, just for fun!

In her book 'loving what is..', Byron Katie talks about her son who does random acts of kindness often. One of his favourites is going up to a child who's parents seem to be able to not afford a treat for them, passing on a £5 note saying 'hey Dude you dropped this' then walking away and not looking back...awesome!

Of course we can't give all our money away when we have mouths to feed, however could we step out of our own agenda and worries often, only to make someone forget about theirs?

We all have memories of when people have done things for us. I'm also pretty sure these moments stand out to you from the past and you've told many people about them..

I wonder if you will receive more moments like these if you give more out?

Who knows, but worth a try huh?!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'