Take the pressure off with this concept..

Published: Tue, 10/22/19


Periodization is a concept used frequently in athletic and strength development.

A good coach will use it in training all clients, albeit as not as strictly as with an athlete.

At the centre of the process is the concept that we need to build aspects of fitness, mobility and strength more or less separately over a period of time in a phased approach.

An athlete with the Rugby season, for example will go something like 3/4/week phases as below:
  1. post season recovery, injury management and rest
  2. nutritional interventions
  3. energy systems work to build the CV engine and stamina back up
  4. sport specific mobility and flexibility work, light strength work
  5. sport specific strength and energy system pre season. Muscle development
  6. during season mobility, recovery. Strength and energy system goes down a notch due to the rigours of match play
The year moves in waves, slightly overlapping each other and specific to the individual.

Now, mere mortals like ourselves with many priorities and demands on our time, often are guided towards not needing periodization. 'GET in there and go flat out...all the time!' they say...

I disagree.

An athlete is a human being first

YOU are all humans which move, therefore athletes

We all should cycle our training across the year so it fits in with your lifestyle, goals and, most importantly, your available time! 

This can give us a HUGE mind set and confidence advantage:
  • rest and recovery is planned in and can be set to holiday time. Nothing quite like feeling you have earned the R&R time and can enjoy the holiday with a better body and energy to boot
  • injuries are non-existent or minimal as we cycle the stress of exercise creating balance. Ever seen that gym maniac that seems to put us to shame then disappears with a blown shoulder or knee?
  • Winter months can be used to work hard on strength work which is more an inside activity, Spring we can then hit the trails outside more
  • Summer, this can be our 'season' where we can enjoy results from our hard work, take training back a notch and give the time to fun times
  • Autumn is our 'pre-season' where we prep again for a winter of harder work
This approach is really varied so can mean less boredom, injury or burn out.

Apply this to our ancestry then it fits with the seasons we would have had back then:

  • Spring to reap
  • Summer to sow, hunt
  • Autumn to preserve/ store
  • Winter to rest, be together and 'hibernate'
Nutrition can be applied to this alongside
  • heavy training we need to eat more whole foods, especially protein, this fits with the extra calories needed to keep warm in winter
  • spring we can add in a bit more carbs as we get out more
  • summer, naturally our appetites drop a bit, so we can use this time to experiment with new foods and relax the process a bit
I suppose the point I am trying to get out there is that following a cycling process can keep us on track and motivated.

Also guilt is minimalized as time off means time off and is planned in.

Success comes from discipline.

Ride the wave, however ensure your have a good structure.

Note that this is not an 'I've done 3 hrs on the treadmill so I can have a pizza!' or 'don't worry I will burn it off later'. This mind set is a dieting one and NOT sustainable.

Periodization is a flexible, SUSTAINABLE, process which could otherwise be called a lifestyle!

Being a 'product' of a healthy lifestyle leads to a healthy mind and body...for ever!

Roll with it!

James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'