Take action and go into battle ;-)

Published: Tue, 10/15/19


Does the (increasingly old fashioned!) notion of having to slot that hour work out into your already busy day hold you back?

It's a dilemma I have with my client base, the PT hourly session model perpetuates this notion, however this can be overcome by working hard with clients to come up with ideas on what they can do in the other 23 hours of the day to enhance their health. 

I have clients that come to our session with the weights after a green smoothie for breakfast, a good foam rolling and mobility session at home so are therefore ready to hit the weights hard.

I also have clients that are so busy that have to squeeze the mobility and warm up into the hour session and then it's off to the desk for 7+ hours.

Wherever they are coming from, we try to have fun with the concept of imagining you are entering a battle/game everyday against those nasty enemies called comfort, convenience, processed food and the sedentary lifestyle. 

  • our boss makes us sit at the desk all day
  • due to less time we have no choice but to grab food containing empty calories that never nuture our bodies fully (although sometimes is fine!)
  • we wrap our feet in stifling shoes 
  • we drive to save time when we could easily walk
  • escalators and lifts stop us using our legs
  • chairs are everywhere
Of course most of this can be unnavoidable and we can't all go barefoot and give up work.

However, maybe changing our attitude making a mini stand against this in your own battle.

In this previous email I wrote about increasing your activity so follow this link if missed it:

There is so much we can do to win our battles and the only limit is your imagination. Don't worry what others think, I've found that they join in after a while.

More ideas coming soon on how we can add training to those spare minutes throughout the day...

Don't let convenience beat you!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741
For past emails: 

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'