Pay it forward...

Published: Sun, 10/13/19


I often get asked how I fill my head with so much fitness knowledge and how I remember it.

My answer is always the same:

1) I have a 'beginners' mindset and an open mind, always.
2) I coach/ teach it daily, and that is the best way to learn
3) I care about being able to help as many people as I can before I shuffle off and want the best info ready for any conversation when it happens

One thing I think we all learn at some point (that really hits home when we do) is that NONE of us have the answers and we are all winging it!
I spent the first few months of my PT career fighting to be the best in the gym I worked in and always straining to find the next USP that would push my above the other trainers in my environment.

I was suffering form a thing a lot of us do in sales, scarcity syndrome.

I was like a Dr Evil of Fitness, chuckling to myself keeping really good info to myself in case that trainer next to me heard that new coaching cue I had for squatting and stole a client.

Well, thankfully it wasn't for that long...I quickly learnt that by helping other trainers, learning off them, sharing notes and offering free advice wherever I went to anyone who cared to listen, propelled my business from a part time hobby into a viable business.

We do this in a search for health.

How many people do you know that are part of a tribe such as crossfit, paleo, Zumba etc that swear by it (as it works for them) and want to tell you about it all the time?

Does it turn you off to it or does it peak your interest?

How you answer this question can highlight where you are on your readiness to change journey.

We all want to be part of the next best, shiny, new nutritional group, boot camp or plan..of course we do, its exciting!

We want that 'little secret' that puts us ahead of the rest, not all the time, but a little bit yes?
This is scarcity and it sells...

Yet, do we have an open mind when a someone tells us about something new?

Do we give it the airtime to maybe take a real subjective view on what they are telling us?

Above all, do you take action and give it a go?

If the answer is yes then then you can then get a totally subjective view on whether it works for you, or not.

We need an ABUNDANCE mindset...there is enough to go around!

This is where success lies, that action you take could be the catalyst to an extra 10 years of thriving instead of just surviving!

You will then pay it forward in the following ways:
  • telling people that respect you about your new thing, they will then be more likely to do it in the future
  • reduce the chances or anyone you know trying something that wasn't up to scratch, you will have first hand experience so will be best to advise
  • people see the difference in you, this is much more powerful than words
  • you provide traction to the activity: good coaches, groups getting more traction means a healthier nation
  • your loved ones will follow your example
  • remember kids do what you DO not what you SAY!
Think through the interactions you have in a day, then multiply up to a year, decade and lifetime.

The impact you can make by sharing good resources, advice, encouragement, kind words and experiences is INFINITE.

And, the best bit, the more you pay it forward the more returns to you.

Call it Kharma, providence, luck or whatever your beliefs are...sharing forward will change the landscape of health. One boot camp at a time!

Get passionate about your new health discovery, ask people to join you. Drop some compliments to people you know that have made a real change...who knows what they may share back to you!


Have any of these emails helped you? If so pay it forward by sharing on social media on link below...or just direct someone to our website...

(I know, I know, blatant plug, sorry!)
James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'