Is life TOO easy?

Published: Tue, 10/01/19


'what if there wasn't any 'easy' but only less MOVEMENT'

Katy Bowman, Biomechanist

In yet another beautifully disruptive book, Movement Matters, Katy puts across the challenge to us all that maybe making things easy by using technologies that SOMEONE ELSE has had to move and work to bring us could quite possibly be why our species is struggling with regards to health?

I have listened to her book 4 times in the last week and can't get the fact out of my head that maybe we should work harder for what we have right now?

Think about what a walk to and from the shops would deliver:

  • - movement through walking, our most natural state
  • - fresh air
  • - interaction with other people of all ages, familiar or strangers 
  • - exposure to differing temperatures
  • - exposure to weather
  • - differing terrain
  • - ups and downs of hills and stairs
  • - loads carried, for a long distance (as a side note the loaded carry is one of the most effective torso and Glute strengthening exercise I've a real challenge on stamina and work capacity)
  • - time away from screens, phones and technology 
  • - less use of shopping trolley as would use a basket..bonus loaded carry.
  • - more time with the kids

Now, compare this to driving to the shops. Technology takes the strain and stress, lucky us..?

Or...maybe not so lucky?

The human body CRAVES movement, the mind CRAVES the movement of the body to release stress, increase mood, supply oxygen and simply stimulate it positively.

Katy talks about how 'stacking' your goals and needs into an activity should be viewed as MAXIMISING your life.

Here are some of my needs:

- movement
- social interaction
- challenge
- fresh air
Now, compare the above list to the walk and the drive to the shops...which meets the most of these needs?

Could, in our efforts to save time and make things easier, we  be removing the VITAL needs we all need as a fully functioning human?
Stacking these needs into an activity MAXIMISES the return of investment we get in that time.

Makes you think doesn't it?

Could we get better health by doing MORE movement.

Are we impacting our health by OUTSOURCING our movement..not just for us but for the entire community?


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'