You are perfect...right NOW!

Published: Thu, 09/26/19


42,048,000 seconds...

The average human has that many seconds on the planet.

I'm 41 so that leaves me with about 21,024,000 left.

How many of those seconds do we spend happy?

How often do we hear ourselves say?

'I SHOULD....'

'I WISH.....'

'I WILL BE....'

'WHEN I....'

If you are busy living in the future then who is here enjoying your life NOW?

We are innate problem solvers, we are at our best searching for solutions and helping others.

However, how often do we stop to just breathe in what we have?
 I sat for 20 minutes, out of sight on the stairs listening to my two boys on the laptop making a Power Point presentation about Pugs^^

I'd been flying around to get the house tidy so I would have an evening to ourselves so much that I hadn't noticed how cute they were as they worked out how to get the pictures to fly in and out.

I hadn't stopped all day and I'm glad I chose now to do so...

For the first time I noticed how well our eldest took the patience to talk his brother through what he was doing...only getting slightly annoyed when all he wanted to do is write 'poo'!

They were both so happy right in that moment.

No worries about what to eat as a snack, what the scales will say tomorrow, what the boss said today or how many things they have to do by Monday.

Children live in the NOW, they are present at all adults must look like busy fools to them.

So, lets give ourselves some slack, we can only do ONE thing, and that is what we are doing NOW

YOU are exactly where you need to be, right now

The path we all follow gives us everything we need, at exactly the right timings for our lessons to be learnt

In other words, you are perfectly you.

Every second not being happy, grateful and kind to yourself is a precious piece of time you will NEVER get you see above in number above it is very finite!

  • Be excited about everything that happens in your day today
  • Be aware of your thoughts, yet realise that they simply just come and go

Set your mind free to drive you to go try lifting a barbell, try ice skating, walk 3 miles or play tag with the children.

It is liberating and we see, both personally and with our clients, an incredible up turn in adherence and results when the mind is clear and focused on the present.

This email just took you about 65 seconds to read it.

Now spend the next minute just taking in how well you are doing

How happy you really are

And how maybe a minor shift in priority could propel you even further into an amazing future?

Thank you for your 65 seconds I just had... I'm savour the other few million....


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'