Defend against those winter 'bugs' prepared!

Published: Thu, 09/19/19



It is that time of year again where we need to give our immunity an extra boost.

Winter colds and suchlike are out there, so here are my tips to build your first line of defence:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids, especially warmer fluids.
    8 cups is the recommended intake, however, more if you sweat a lot or in winter with the central heating on.
    Try jazzing water up and adding extra nutrients with a squeeze of lemon or orange, or pieces of cucumber and mint.  Soups made with fresh vegetables, green tea, herbal teas, especially those with immune supporting qualities like ginger, lemon, cinnamon, echinacea and hibiscus are also great ways to keep your fluid intake up.

  2. Eat a protein with each meal and snack. Protein is made up of amino acids - your body's building blocks! Our immune cells need these amino acids to function optimally. Choose from lean meats, fish, nuts and seeds. Dairy is also a good source as are the pulses  including beans, peas and lentils - not just for vegetarians! Eat pulses with wholegrains (e.g. brown rice) to make them a complete protein i.e. a protein containing the full spectrum of amino acids.

  3. Cut out the refined carbohydrates and simple sugars. Vitamin C and glucose (sugar) have the same receptor sites on a cell. Vitamin C is imperative to proper immune function, so the more glucose (sugar) you put in the system, the less chance there is for the vitamin C to bind to receptor sites and the higher chance you have of catching a cold or the flu or getting rid of one quicker.

  4. Include more immunity boosting foods in your diet such as seafood especially oysters, pumpkin seeds, nuts, beans and mushrooms for zinc. Citrus, berries, kiwifruit, peppers and greens are great for vitamin C, carrots, sweet potato, tomatoes and red peppers for vitamin A. Season your food with garlic, onions, ginger, turmeric & cayenne pepper.  The rawer the garlic the better (choose a parsley sprig after to neutralise any garlic breath!)

  5. Get enough sleep! Sleep is vital for proper immune system function as this is when the body really has a chance to rest and repair. Aim for seven or eight hour sleep a night.

  6. Address any digestive issues. With around 80% of the immune system located in the digestive tract a healthy gut should a major focal point when wanting to improve immunity.  Gut flora balance can be improved with a change in diet, introduction of  fermented foods such as sauerkraut and live yoghurt, but often a programme targeted towards gut healing is necessary for best results.

  7. Exercise regularly. Regular exercise will keep you in optimal health, but be careful not too over train as this will be at the expense of your immune system.  Talk to your personal trainer for a suitable workout for you. Above all, listen to your body!
Implement as much as you can of the above and reduce the need for all the remedies and medicines.

You may even notice, come Springtime, that you have not needed any medicine for the entire winter season.

Maybe you were the only member of your work team that fielded off that bug that was 'going around'? 

If you did get sick, maybe for you it was for half the time everyone else seemed to go down for! (yes, even for Man Flu chaps!)

Stay healthy by being prepared!


Kim Chandler
Nutritional Therapist
07870 262741

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