Mind your OWN business

Published: Tue, 09/17/19


If you follow Byron Katie at all you will be familiar with her concept of being in your OWN business ONLY.

She very eloquently puts it that if you are busy concerning your self with someone else's business or things out of your control (natural events) then who is over here keeping an eye on your life?

How can you focus on your kids or loved ones if you are worrying about someone or something else?

Of course loved ones need our concern and help, however trying to reserve this for only things in REALITY saves us plenty of time and stress.

If someone annoys you at work, did they REALLY mean to?

Are they out to get you or are they just too busy in their own business or story that they missed the opportunity to explain their feelings to you, or maybe just didn't know that they are upsetting people.

Or, which is often true more times than we would care to admit....they annoy you because they are right and they stress you out because deep down you know you are off your path and they are shining a light on this.

Removing yourself from a situation and trying to ask yourself what the true REALITY is in all situations can be a huge game changer when it comes to reducing stress.

Make your business simply looking after your own business.

Where can you work on how you manage the situations you are in to ensure you are seeing the reality of it all?

Not what you think or what others tell you...what is really the situation and how can you improve it for all parties.

It does mean swallowing pride, saying sorry and often hard conversations. Yet, how many relationships do you have that have improved after a conversation such as this?  

ALL of them maybe?


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'