Nurture your body not your possessions...

Published: Sun, 09/15/19


This quote from Martin Rooney sums up a regular conversation that I have with clients.

I share with them that on my own fitness it here:
I lost  about 35kg of fat mass and my relationship with clothes changed considerably. The £50 XL T Shirt 10 years ago, is now the £10 or so M.

It is even more wonderful to see it happen to my clients too, it is like watching someone being set free.

As body composition changes (fat mass down, muscle mass up) we start to fit our clothes better and look better in them (obvious I know, but bear with me!).

This in turn shifts the emphasis from needing the clothes to look the body that fills them looking good.

It is almost like the clothes are a 'mask' for the body underneath and gets less important as our confidence grows in our physique.

You can also apply this to the material possessions. For instance, the car you drive somehow gets less of a symbol with the more physically proficient and confident you get.

Your body is the most advanced and amazing thing you will ever 'own' so cherish it. Spend the money and time on IT instead of fancy clothes, gadgets and cosmetics and it will reward you in ways you never thought possible! 

If you find yourself spending more cash on gym clothes than going out clothes in a month then well have arrived ;-)


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'