So....what is a Personal Trainers job?

Published: Tue, 09/10/19


To shout at you until you get fit?

To be a cheerleader?

To count reps ?

Nope...our REAL job is to take the mileage OUT of your body!

Once our cars have had it there is only so much we can do until it becomes too expensive and risky to keep them on the road.

Our bodies are very different. 

By the time we hit 80, some studies estimate that we have replaced every cell in our bodies.

We adapt after work has pushed us just past our threshold..

We grow in body and mind the better we move, the move energy we have and the stronger we get.

It is about THRIVING not just surviving isn't it?

A balanced regime of:
  • mobility work
  • strength training
  • relaxation and recovery
  • REAL food
  • plenty of water
WILL remove the 'kinks' and stiffness from years of the opposite of all these things giving space for MORE miles of happy human-ing!

I always say that a barbell fixes everything and it is true.

Well, maybe more it prevents things, however pushing our bodies to achieve something that you believed you couldn't do but your lunatic PT says you can is that boost you need!

That little spark of strength that we can highlight has a ripple effect through a persons entire life!

 Your body doesn't care about the wobbly bits, but it does about the parts that are out of sync, wearing out or just simply getting old and tight.

It will jump to your aid when you start that focus on a little bit of extra knows what it needs more that you do so give some movement and see where it takes you!

  • That little shoulder niggle that you've had for years will go..
  • The tight hip getting out of bed will disappear..
  • Suddenly you notice you don't need the extra pillows or cushions anymore..
That is your body saying thank you....tune in, belt up and get ready to be STILL kicking butt at 80 years plus!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'