Make 'uncomfortable' your training 'partner'...

Published: Thu, 01/24/19


I've written many times, and coached even more times the importance of becoming comfortable with being UN-comfortable.

Usually in the context of training where you push through an extra set/sprint/rep, resulting in a step to the next level within your body.
It can also apply to mindset...

The barrier between success and failure in any health journey is 1) very thin and 2) totally in our head.

It is human nature to be uncomfortable and stressed in new, complex or hard to understand situations.

We are the planets most adept problem solvers, and this is one of the reasons we are so successful.

Think back to our ancestors as they came to a new area or terrain. They would have gone about exploring the area without let up until all was found to be safe and all life's vital needs were met. Good survival tactic.

Back when I started on my own health journey and also when I started training as a PT, I quickly realised how much I didn't know and all the conflicting info stressed me out.

I still do it now when I hit a new topic...although I try to embrace it and use it to spur me on.

To me, reading, studying and trying new things was life or death for me. The need to understand as much as I could drove me on...and still does.

However, realising how little I knew and how knowledgeable all the other fitpro's seemed nearly stopped me in my tracks.

Then....I started training people.

I realised that my sole purpose was to guide clients through their own journey. I only needed to be a few steps ahead...and by making the uncomfortable less daunting the next level of complexity was a level up for anyone.

It is called social support and it works.

Safety in numbers is really true.

Even if embarking on a quest for health on your own, find comfort that MANY people exactly like you have succeeded!

Being a bit more at home in that level just above your knowledge and understanding leads to a move forward.

Often that feeling of stress and 'reducing patience' occurs just before a step forward

Challenge yourself to open your mind and let in the new ideas and concepts that come your way whilst learning anything new.

Focusing on one thing at a time and little by little is proven to work.

Maybe try adding an extra challenge of going into the unknown, and recognising the stressful or UNcomfortable feeling is a marker that you are in EXACTLY the right place you need to be for that 1% improvement today?

Keep learning,


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'