Girls! Join the revolution!

Published: Fri, 01/18/19


There is a change occurring...

Ladies everywhere are leaving the 'cult of cardio' and joining the revolution of ladies who lift!

I've trained what must be nearly a hundred women and not one has ever said that lifting weights has made her 'bulky' or too muscle bound.

What I do get is:

  • - I weigh more but I fit smaller clothes..huh?
  • - I love my arms
  • - That low back niggle has gone
  • - how much did that bar weigh again!?
  • - I feel taller, straighter and my waist is coming back

Resistance training, lifting weights or 'bodybuilding' is NOT a sanctum of the boys only club.

You ladies have muscles too, and the better you can get them to move and the stronger you can get them to be the longer you will be a functioning unit of awesome human

It doesn't have to be the big iron things you get on the gym, any resistance on your body will do.

Bodyweight, band work, climbing and hanging or even a heavy bottle of water can be used.

The 'cult' of cardio being the mainstay of fat loss is on its way out. Of course, a quick run, walk, swim or cycle is a great way to build cardio-vascular fitness, however to SHAPE your body it is the muscle you must build.

Muscle which is strong and does its job across our body gives keeps our body in the right position, joints moving right and prevents the effect of too much time spent in the wrong positions

Muscle gives our bodies movement, energy and vitality.

However, it does not grow when it isn't stimulated.

Classic CV work only builds enough for the activity you are doing, by it's very nature of is low weight bearing therefore low is the stimulus to add muscle

From where I stand I have seen many women unleash an inner confidence from getting to grips with a bit of heavy lifting.

Don't tell the boys but they are as just as strong as they are in ratio to bodyweight..shhhh

All my female clients that have the right time under the bar and no injuries that hold them back can lift 70kg off the floor as a minimum..a couple have passed the 100kg mark! 

So ladies (and lads!), PLEASE ditch the focus on the wobbly bits and apply a bit of work to building muscle.

  • More muscle makes us move better.

  • Moving better makes us move more.

  • Moving more means better body composition.

I have said it many times..

Muscle is YOUTH, build as much as you can and thrive for years!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'