This one quote could change your life...

Published: Wed, 12/19/18


This quote from Kevin Geary hit me like a slap in the face when I heard it.

Shortly followed by a 'wish I had thought of that!' moment.

It encapsulates everything Kim and I believe is the right path to long lasting health and fitness.

'Don't lose weight to get healthy, get healthy to lose weight'

(n.b. weight means fat mass) 

It certainly changed MY life, and I see a massive paradigm shift in others when they get this.

Healthy is:
  • good gut health (our immune system depends on fact our gut IS our immune system)
  • high energy
  • absence of disease
  • absence of chronic injury (built up on-going issues from poor posture and lack of balanced training)
  • good amount of healthy lean muscle
  • low stressed state
  • minimal amount of fat mass (some is needed!)
Reading through the above, you already know what you could do to improve each of these markers.

The most successful body transformations and life changes I have seen occur when people GET this..and take action.

If you focus all your energy on eating REAL food, drinking only water, sleeping well, keeping mobile and getting strong... your fat mass levels will drop naturally.

It can be a long process, I estimate anecdotally that it takes 1/3rd of the time it took to put the fat mass on, to lose it.

Obviously this can be different for all and can be done quicker, although quick can often mean it is by unsustainable means and unsustainable diets.

(we've all lost weight for a wedding/ reunion etc, only to put it back on with interest after right?)

Look deeper than the surface. Yes you may carry your wobbly bits for a few years, however you become pain free and super strong from focusing on building a strong body with a supercharged immune system.

I've been down to 10% bodyfat and TBH I felt terrible and spent most of the time injured. My body wasn't getting the nutrients it needed. I was a right grump too and after my manic work outs I had less energy for my family....thankfully I recognised this and stopped that path.

Food is 'information' and energy for your body. Put crap in and get crap out and be tired. Put in good 'information' with the right kind of energy and get the real you out!

Get healthy!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

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