Our bodies add more resource to increase strength, muscle mass or movement skills when we do enough work to prove that this investment is needed
That is the essence of weight training, yet can be applied to so many other aspects of lifestyle and health improvement.
Stress, for instance is always here. We have busy lives with a myriad of roles and responsibilities. However, anyone else notice how we learn as we age to deal with it better? Sometimes on a
day by day basis of improvement.
This is where work comes in.
We know all the basics to follow for a lean, healthy, body.
What stops us reaching the outcome we long for is often the
fact we lack capacity or energy to get after it and do the work.
Hard work = success. We know this.
The harder we work the better the response we get.
The absolutely misguided focus on fat loss over and above the small (but really significant) changes in our body, mind and mood is, in my opinion, what causes the majority of fitness programs and missions to fail in time.
Fat loss is a slow process, as is behaviour change, muscle growth and energy systems improvement.
However, without us even noticing, our bodies also super-compensate constantly, however by such small increments that we miss it happening.
Couple this with a life where we can get all things instantly and it seems even slower!
So, trust me when I say, as someone who has been on a journey from poor health and has helped many others do the same, that as long as you are adding a bit more hard work day by day you WILL be making progress.
It seems to flow in steps, like a plateau system, with a short lag on the hard work you do turning to super-compensation. Each plateau could be a day or two or even a
month or more.
The absolutely vital thing to do to push through all these plateaus is to keep going!
Show up and get after it.
Whether getting after is means a good stretch and a bit of light core work, a long stroll or a heavy barbell session, it doesn't matter.
Just push for a little bit of hard work for how you are today and I promise you that you will feel monumentally better from how you felt before. Register this difference and use it to
lead you into tomorrows activity.
Show up...you will find the energy..