5% payrise anyone?

Published: Tue, 01/30/18


If your boss called you today and told you that you could spend and extra one, or two, hours of doing something REALLY easy you could :

  • add 5% onto your salary 
  • improve your reasoning skills
  • improve your moral and ethical outlook 
  • improve your moral and ethical radar
  • read others better
  • improve your personal relationships
  • double your concentration levels
  • lose fat
  • increase energy levels
  • live longer
  • reduce the chance of dementia, depression and negative mind-set
  • manage emotions and mood, keeping a level head all day long
  • get leaner and build muscle
  • recover quicker
  • get sick less
  • improve gut health and immune system
  • decrease chance of getting cancer
  • reduce the chance of dying on the roads
  • reduce the change of diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure

Would you ask them what it was?

Would you expect a 'catch'?

Too good to be true, it isn't...surely?

The answer is SLEEP!

8 or 9 hours sleep a night..that is it!

So, whatever you get, add an hour or so to make up your difference and reap all the benefits above!

Sweden has just reduced its working day to 6 hours with no reduction in pay.

I would also wager that they will see an INCREASE in productivity, GDP at the same time as REDUCTION in negative health and mental issues.

As a PT I used to ask about sleep way down the list of questions in my initial consultation with a  new client. I was wrong.

It should be the FIRST question!

It isn't a pillar of health alongside nutrition and exercise, it is the foundation that EVERYTHING is built on.

Some of the most impressive gains in strength, jumps in fat loss and a clear increase in positivity that I've ever seen have been in clients when that young baby starts sleeping through the night, retirement arrives or a lifestyle choice leads to more sleep opportunity.

I get up at 4am most mornings, so have spent the last 5 years (since we moved out of London away from my work) getting 6 or so hours of sleep a night and being pretty sure that I was getting enough.

I thought that was all I needed..then I read this book:

This year, I've been aiming for 8 hours sleep a night and pretty much managing it too.

Matthew Walker does an excellent job in making it really clear what the effect of too little sleep it doing to us, our children, our society and our economy.

Every aspect of our life can be improved if we give ourselves enough NREM and REM sleep.

Read the chapter on a child developing brain and the effects of too little sleep and it has chilling echoes next to the reports of depression, self harm, low self esteem and poor health within the next generation.

Blame it on technology or realise that technology, increased pressure to compete, early school and work start times and the pressure to 'go at it' many hours a day is OUR responsibility to manage personally and for our families.

Catch those ZZZZZ's!

Since adding this extra couple of hours, the difference I feel in myself I put ABOVE the 7 stones of fat mass I lost, that first 38 min 10Km run I managed and the 180Kg deadlift I nailed over the years.

Already, only 3 weeks in, I'm standing here writing about how I'll remember this intervention in my own health journey as one massive A-HA moment.

The biggest thing I've noticed is that I have more energy to GO all day long. I don't need 'chill', 'down' or 'feet up' time so when I am awake..so I get more done in less time.

Give the book above a read, it is scientifically sound and shocking at the same time.

Cut out that wasted TV time, read a book in bed that extra hour or so earlier and I challenge anyone to not find themselves harping on about getting more sleep to everyone you meet!

Start a sleep revolution!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'