Last Christmas I spent a lot of time preparing for my talk at a conference in January. Having the time off this year brings back all the
feelings of excitement with a healthy dose of nervousness..
...I've always been terrified of public speaking.
Always imagined how it must feel to be on stage in front of a hundred or so people and VIP's....and decided that I couldn't do it.
Especially presenting something that I care deeply
So, when my Manager asked me to present at a conference right up until the moment I stepped on stage...I battled hard with nerves, excitement and nearly bailed out a few times.
I'm told this is natural!
However, as I often write in these emails, I decided to treat this like an experiment into all the
things I had learnt about fear, fight or flight reflexes and presenting in itself.
I had the sweaty palms, my heart was pumping right up to the moment I stood up.
Then, something twigged in my mind.
I knew there was a camera on me...and I
knew my boys would watch it.
From that moment I realised this was bigger than 'little old me' and my nerves..
I enjoyed every second of it then..I've got the speaking bug!
Here it is in it's entirety for you all...let me know what you think!