What I didn't get done in 2017!

Published: Sun, 12/31/17


Another year over and another year wiser as they say! 

Today is my 43rd Birthday, so New Years Eve is always a fun time, yet also a day where, personally, always take stock of what the last year has been..plus look forward to an exciting year ahead.

The list of goals seems to expanded...

The goals set for 2017 seems to have some bits left on it...

Yet, we at EWWO have achieved some great stuff in 2017.

Over 300 kids through the kids rugby classes

550 PT sessions coached

A new venture for family fitness past the planning (read: procrastinating!) stage to a launch in January 2018.

However, I'm sure I'm not the only one that seems to make a big deal over the things I DIDN'T get done, yet less of a deal of he things I HAVE achieved.

What..is that all about?! 

Understanding our behaviours fascinates me..

Even only a short time ago, I may have gone all out in the Xmas break to catch up on things not done, maybe even to the point of ensuring I return to work in January more tired and less rested than when I finished for the break!

The human brain is a complex, 200, 000 year old (as we know it today....millions more if we trace it right back), learning and problem solving system.

We LOOK for problems to solve as part of our ancestral survival skills

We will always find what we perceive that we need to fix, fight, solve and, as often the case, discuss in great detail with others!

It is what kept our ancestors, and us humans, alive.

Yet, is this system outdated?

We live in pretty safe times with access to an incredible amount of information. We can collaborate, share and sync knowledge across the whole world from our mobile phone (and its great for looking at videos of cats).

  • Could this behaviour and innate 'default' be managed by knowing that it is part of us, will always be there and it keeps us safe?
  • Could gratitude, happiness, success and increase and stress decrease if we 'managed' this behavioural default better?
I'd wager that it would!?

I see people on a weekly basis and, as to be expected, we discuss goals and achievements often. I also see the above played out:

Only last week I stood by a lady in the squat rack after she had squatted 45kg (80% of her bodyweight!) as she explained that she had not lost any 'scale weight'...and then in the same sentence noted that she needed new gym trousers as the ones she had on were baggy!

Fat mass DOWN, Muscle mass UP

Even the evidence of the huge barbell on her back, the fact she had increased muscle and lost fat (hence baggy trousers) and the record weight she had just squatted, didn't stop her from focusing in on the fact she hadn't 'lost' weight.

She realised all this as we said it and another milestone was passed.


Take a step back and note what you have achieved in the last 12 months..

I'm pretty sure that you all have done some amazing things, achieved lots and got even more awesome!

I'm also sure that those around you agree too.

Could one change for 2018 be to embrace our innate behaviour, understand we can't change it, however KNOW that we can change how we react and process it!?

I'm game if you are...

Have an amazing New Years Eve and keep me posted on your 2018!


James Chandler
Personal Trainer
07870 262741

'To inspire, educate and support our clients on their journey to better health'